Polymathian resident statistician and overall smart person, Amy Chan, is this month’s focus in our series dedicated to getting to know the people behind Polymathian.
Amy started her career at Polymathian nearly 4 years ago, joining as employee number 20. Amy received an undergraduate degree in mathematics from the University of Queensland and then went on to complete her Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Statistics.
It's true, the Polymathian marketing team does have a lot fun. Work hard, play hard!
By the way, scientists recently declared the centuries old physics mystery of the three-body problem solved. Check it out!
Fair enough. Next question.
I asked Google for words that mean a person who complains a lot and included: bellyacher, grumbler, misery guts and kvetch (my personal favourite). Amy's long-time colleagues tell me her bellyaching is actually quite endearing.
Same, Amy. Same.☹️
That's not embarassing, try again.
Also, not embarassing.
I hope you enjoyed getting to know Amy as much as I did. If you'd like to get recommendations for the best hiking trails in SEQ or find out more about how ORB optimises mine planning, connect with Amy on LinkedIn LinkedIn.