Crew planning - getting the right crew, to the right place at the right time across your network
Maximize crew utilization
Optimize your crew plan to use only the required number of engineers and conductors, while adhering to bargaining unit agreements, government regulations, and company policies.
  • Maximize conformance to preferred crew on / off duty locations
  • Minimize crew idle time
  • Minimize taxi / crew haul usage
  • Reduce overtime and unnecessary home and away costs
Flexible Scenario Planning
Rapidly run scenarios to assess crew efficiency impacts of:
  • Crew deployment methods
  • Workforce sizing
  • Crew facility placement
  • Crew qualification mix
  • Overtime and home & away
  • Hours of service regulations
Model Large and Complex Networks Including Producers and Port Terminals
RACE can model large and complex networks, which can include originating producers (mines, grain facilities, crude oil, chemical producers - with multiple load points) as well as destination / delivery locations.
Automatically produce optimal crew plans
Optimize crew plans automatically, without manual intervention (unless desired in a hybrid environment). Minimize re-crew needs across the network.

Learn how we can help you optimally allocate drivers to train services.